What is Asthma , Types of Asthma , Causes , Symptoms and Treatments of Asthma

Normal bronchial and Asthma affected bronchial

What is  Asthma 

Asthma is also called as Bronchial Asthma. Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus.

OR - Asthma is a condition in which person's airways become inflamed , swell and narrow and produce extra mucus.
This can make difficulty in breathing. That affects your lungs.

Asthma is currently affects more than 26 million people in U.S. Of this total, more than 6 million children also suffer from asthma. Asthma can life threatening, If you don't get treated.

Every year death due to Asthma

If you think that asthma get cured like this, then you are wrong, if you do not get it treated at the right time , that it can be fatal for you.

Over 90% of asthma patients in india do not receive the right medication or treatments.
Every year 4.61 lakh people are die due to asthma in the world & India contributes to 1.98 lakh death.

India contributes to 42 percent of global asthma deaths, According to a report published online in lungs India journal related to respiratory medicines.

Types of Asthma

  1. Allergic Asthma
  2. Non-allergic asthma
  3. Occupational Asthma
  4. Exercise-induced Asthma
  5. Childhood Asthma
  6. Adult-onset asthma

1. Allergic Asthma

Allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma. the allergic asthma affecting about 16 million people around the world.
In which America is most affected country in the world by Asthma.
The Allergic asthma is comes in contact with the something like Mold, Dust, Pet dander and pollen etc.

2. Non-Allergic Asthma

Non-Allergic Asthma is a type of asthma that is not related to Dust particles.
This type of Asthma is also known as Nonatopic Asthma.
Non-Asthma is less common than Allergic Asthma.
The Non-Allergic Asthma may be more severe than Allergic Asthma.
These irritants might includes: cigarette smoke, cold air, Air pollution & viral illnesses etc.

3. Occupational Asthma

Occupational Asthma can be caused by Many things for Example.
If you work in a bakery, Chemical industries, flour dust could trigger symptoms.

4. Exercise- induced Asthma

The exercise-induced Asthma is the most common type of Asthma.
Exercise induced asthma can be affected by two types of people.
  • People who only experience Asthma symptoms When Exercising.
  • People with Chronic that Worsens on Exercise.
Typically symptoms of exercise induced asthma include extreme shortness of breath.
These symptome will also appear recalativcly soon after someone begins workout.

5. Childhood Asthma 

Childhood Asthma is the most common type of Asthma.
Asthma most often develops during Childhood before the age of 5.

6. Adult-onset Asthma

Asthma that develops during Adulthood is called adult-onset Asthma.
Asthma can develop at any age. This type of asthma Primarily affected womens.

Causes of Asthma 

The exact causes of Asthma are not fully understood.
But It's believed to be a combination of Genetics & Environmental factors.
Some of the common causes of Asthma include:-

1. Genetics :- Asthma can be inherited which means that if one or both parents have Asthma, Their children are move likely to develop it as well.

2. Environmental factors:- Asthma can be caused by Environmental factors also. Exposure to certain Environmental factors such as Air pollution, Allergens & irritants can trigger Asthma symptoms.

3. Allergies:- Asthma is caused by Allergens (The Allergen causes Allergies). Allergen is the most common causes of Asthma. 

Many people with Asthma also have Allergies & exposure to allergens such as pollen, dust mites & pet dander can trigger asthma symptoms.

4. Respiratory infections:- Asthma can be caused by Respiratory infections. 
Respiratory infections such as common cold or Flu can trigger Asthma symptoms.

5. Obesity:- The obesity is also a very risk factor for Asthma. It can Increase inflammation in the body & leads to Difficulty in breathing.

Symptoms of Asthma 

There are many common symptoms of Asthma.
The symptoms of Asthma can vary from person to person, & can range from mild to severe.
But the most common symptoms of Asthma is Wheezing.
This is squealing or whistling sound.
Other Asthma symptoms may also includes:-
  • Coughing
  • Tightness
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Respiratory infections
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiousness or panic
There are many symptoms that you have determine which symptoms you experienced.
Some people experience consistently whole the day.
There is no particular symptoms of Asthma.
It is not necessary that every person will experience these symptoms.

Not everyone with Asthma will experience these particular symptoms, 
If you think particular the symptoms you are experience could be a sign of a condition such as Asthma, make an appointment to see your Pulmonologist doctor.

What is Asthma Flare ups ?

Asthma flare ups is that condition when  Asthma symptoms get worse.

Asthma flare ups is also called as Asthma attack or Exacerbation.

You may still occasionally experience a flare up of symptoms.
Asthma flare ups often improve with the use of Quick acting treatments,
like an inhaler and other medicines,
But may also require a special medical attention in severe cases of Asthma.

Signs of Asthma flare ups

There are many many signs of Asthma flare ups are:-

  • Coughing
  • Tightness
  • wheezing
  • Difficulty sleeping
If your Asthma symptoms are worsen and do not improve with the use of an inhaler, so you should go to the immediate medical treatment.

There are some common symptoms of Asthma are:-

1. Wheezing:- Wheezing is a high pitched whistling  sound that is heard when you  breathing.

2. Shortness of breath:- Shortness of breath is a feeling of not being able to breathe in enough air. this can be a mild feeling of breathlessness. or it can be more severe feeling of struggling to breath.

3. Chest Tightness:- Chest tightness is a feeling pressure in the chest &  is often described as feeling like a band is around the chest. 

4. Coughing:- Coughing is a common symptoms of Asthma, And can be dry cough, cough with Phlegm (Wet cough). coughing occurs especially in night.

5. Difficulty breathing:- Difficulty in breathing is a feeling of not being able to catch one's breath & can be a sign of severe Asthma Attack( Asthma attack is that condition when Asthma symptoms get progressively worse. 
It is also known as Exacerbation or Asthma attack).

Treatment of Asthma 

Asthma is a highly treatable disease, But there is no permanent cure of Asthma at present.
Though asthma is a lifelong condition, It is a possible to a live healthy life using  the effective treatment & life changes.
You can reduce the symptoms of Asthma.

There are many different treatments available for Asthma, and the best treatment will depend on the  severity of the Asthma.

Some of the most common treatments for Asthma are:-

1. Inhalers:- Inhalers are most the most common treatments for Asthma , And they work by delivering medication directly to the airways.

There are two types of Inhalers: Relievers, Which are used to treat symptoms as they occurs & preventers , Which are used to prevent symptoms from occurring in
the first place.

2. Corticosteroids:- Corticosteroids are Anti-inflammatory medication that are used to reduce the inflammation in the airways.

They are often used in the combination with inhalers.

3. Bronchodilators:- Bronchodilators are those medication that are used to dilate the bronchi (airways), and make breathing easier.

They are often used in the combination with inhalers.

4. Immunotherapy:- Immunotherapy or biological therapy is the treatment of disease by activating or suppressing the immune system.

Immunotherapy is also known as Allergy shots.
It is a treatments that can help reduce the severity of allergic Asthma symptoms.

It works by gradually exposing the person to small amounts of Allergens, which help the body build up a tolerance to it.

5. Lifestyle changes:- Lifestyle changes can also help manage Asthma symptoms.
These may avoiding triggers, such as maintaining a healthy weight etc.

Long terms Asthma control medications

These medications are taken daily to help reduce the number and severity of your asthma symptoms, but they don’t manage the immediate symptoms of an attack.
There are some common asthma control medications: 

1. Anti-inflammatories:- Taken with an inhaler, corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory medications help reduce swelling and mucus production in your airways, making it easier to breathe. 

2. Anticholinergics:- These help stop your muscles from tightening around your airways. They’re usually taken daily in combination with anti-inflammatories.

3. Long-acting bronchodilators:- These should only be used in combination with anti-inflammatory asthma medications.


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