What is Difference Between Generic Medicines and Branded Medicines , why are generic drugs cheaper?

 What is Generic Medicines VS Branded Medicines ?

Topic Covered

  • What is Generic Medicines.
  • What is Branded Medicines.

What is Difference between Generic and Branded Medicines.

What is Generic Medicines?

By the way, you must have heard many people talking about generic medicine. But you may not have understood what would be the generic medicine, But today we have written this post especially for you.

But today we will tell you in this post what are generic medicines and branded medicines. And apart from this what is the difference between these two , First of all we will know what are generic medicines. 

You must have seen many people talk generic medicines are highly affordable and branded medicines highly price.

So let us explain you with an example,Suppose you have fever and you go to a pharmacy store and you ask them to give me paracetamol tablets,So they give you Dolo 500 mg which contains Paracetamol in 500 mg,

So it is called brand name of dolo 500 paracetamol, so that's why it is called branded medicines , Which are very expensive.Let us now know about generic medicines, if this Dolo 500 is sold in the name of Paracetamol, then it is called its generic name and it is called generic medicines.

 They are very cheap.If understood in simple language, generic medicines are those medicines which are sold or recognized by the name of the salt from which they are made. For example, if a company sells the medicine paracetamol salt with the same name, it is called a generic medicine.

What is Salt?

By the way, usually for the treatment of any one disease, a chemical is prepared with great difficulty by doing a lot of research and study. And this chemical is called salt and it is also called generic name. 

And if we talk about branded medicines, then when a company sells this paracetamol salt by name, then it is called branded medicines for example Dolo 500, Crocin etc. 

Branded medicines are very expensive as compared to generic medicines.Most of the doctors prescribe branded medicines only.

 Because branded medicines companies give more profit margin than generic medicines.Due to which the branded medicines manufacturing company earns a lot of profit.

 And the doctor also does not have much difficulty in writing branded medicines because only the brand name has to be written in it. But the doctor has a lot of difficulty in writing generic medicines.

 If we say that you can buy the medicines prescribed by the doctor at a very low price, yes, you heard absolutely right, you can buy the medicines prescribed by the doctor cheaply. 

Your doctor has written the prescription and all the medicines have been written in it, for example, Dolo 500.Which is manufactured by micro lab company.which 

Contains paracetamol salt.There is a difference of at least 10% to 15% in branded medicines and generic medicines, but sometimes it reaches 50%. and sometimes this difference reaches 90%.

Why are generic medicines cheaper?

 By the way, usually for the treatment of any one disease, a chemical is prepared with great difficulty by doing a lot of research and study. And this chemical is called salt and it is also called generic name.

 This chemical salt is given the form of medicine to make it easily available. Every company sells this salt under different names. for example- Dolo 500.

Some company sells it by the name of Dolo 500, some by the name of Crocin and some by the name of Calpol. 

So some company sells this salt at a cheap price, while some company sells it at an expensive price. This Salt is prepared keeping the disease in mind.

Which is determined by a special committee ,The generic name of any salt remains the same all over the world whereas the brand name may be different.

Why is there a difference in the prices of branded medicines and generic medicines? 

Generally, where the company has the right to reduce and increase the price of patent medicine or branded medicines.

The cost of branded medicines is borne by the company itself. If we talk about the generic medicine company, then this company cannot decide the price of any medicine on its own, there is interference of the government.  That is, their price is decided by the government. 

That is, the generic drug company cannot decide its price on its own and cannot do it arbitrarily. WHO ( World Health Organization) According to a report.

 if doctors prescribe generic medicines to most of the patients, then this expenditure will be reduced by 70% in developed countries and in developing countries This cost can be even less ,Generic medicines are cheap.

 because money is not spent in making them, marketing and advertising, and on the other hand, if we talk about branded medicines, then in their making A lot is spent in research and development and marketing, advertising, that's why they are very expensive. 

Are branded medicines more effective as compared to Generic Medicines?

Although generic medicines are very cheap, but branded medicines are very expensive.

 But do you know which of these two medicines is more effective? so let us explain to you , eg you have taken paracetamol tablets (Dolo 500 in the branded name)Same as Paracetamol in generic form.

 If taken then both have same salt which we called  API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) For example Dolo 500 contains Paracetamol which is only an API.

 So you can see composition of both is same, when composition is same then side effects will also be same.

 And both will be equally effective, that is, both will have the same effect on the disease. As is the case with branded medicines. 

But this false belief has been made, That Branded Medicines are more effective than generic medicines.It is not at all the case that the effect of branded medicines and generic medicines remains the same.

Both are equally effective.
It has become just a belief of the people and nothing else. 

Can generic drugs be patented or not? 

Generic drugs are prepared and administered without patent.

 Yes, a patent can be used for generic medicine formulation but that cannot be patented on its material. 

The quality of generic medicines prepared by the international standard is not lower than branded drugs.

 Nor are they affected somewhat. Generic medicine dosage, side effects are almost all branded.Such as viagra is very popular for the rectal disfunction, but the generic drug is known as sildenafil.

 But people prefer to take viagra because it is a very popular brand. It was done with a plaicity international level.

 Companies do not publicize to publicize generic drugs. Generic drugs will pass through all prescribed quality standards before entering the market.

Many a times doctors just spell out the name of salts and sometimes the name of branded drug.

 There are certain diseases that include generic drugs, but the same solt-branded drugs are expensive. These disease are Heart disease, Kidney, Neurology, Diabetes etc.

There is also a huge difference in the prices of generic and branded medicines for these diseases.

How to get generic drugs 

First of all, ask your doctor to prescribe generic medicine only. 

Drug dealers also do not keep all types of generic medicines because they are not in vogue.

 If you are taking any medicine regularly ,Ask the medical person to provide generic medicines with good quality of the medicine. 

Most big cities have xclusive generic medical stores, but they do not get the benefits because of their poor propagation. 

Because majubari lacks the right information, the poor chemist may be forced to buy expensive medicines.

We hope you have understood this blog well, 

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